Advik Maniar
Graduate Student

Hey! Iā€™m a Software Developer based in New York. My skill set includes Data Analytics and Machine Learning modeling in Python, full stack development in Java, and much more.


Some of the projects I have worked on.

Report Generator using Python
Python and SQL Based Data Analysis Tool to generate PDF reports for any input data.
Only Football
E-Commerce website developed using Python and Django.
Healthcare WebApp
WebApplication developed using Python and StreamLit.

Work Experience

Currently working as a data analyst at Entrepreneurship & Technological Innovation Center (ETIC) at my university, where we build advanced prototypes for NASA.

New York Institute of Technology
Graduate Assistant
September 2022 ā€” Present
Voya Financial
Software Developer
June 2022 ā€” August 2022
New York Institute of Technology
Research Assistant
September 2021ā€” May 2022

Want to get in touch? Drop me a message.

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